Monday, August 26, 2019

Personal statement to apply Msc of Statistics Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

To apply Msc of Statistics - Personal Statement Example I also have huge admiration for the Canadian culture and staying studying there would enable me explore and appreciate it more. The university also stands on a high mound in professional training and research indulgence. This university has a reputable image and I would be quite humbled to associate with the super-standard institution. My high competence, exemplary academic qualifications and extensive experience in Finance and Statistics make me a better candidate for this admission. As indicated on my attached documents, I have unswervingly pursued my studies in Finance and Statistics with great determination and enthusiasm. I expect to graduate with an overall GPA of 3.4; an indication of my potential in exploiting deeper levels in this discipline. Masters in Statistics will meet both my long-time and short-time goals and lighten my business career. I have enormous experience in the business field as I have worked as an accountant assistant and studied other business related

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